Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, January 8th, 2020


Iain ClimieJanuary 22nd, 2020 at 10:12 pm

HI Bobby,

Do you know if yesterday’s comment count was a record? Somebody out there may even keep count but they’re all friendly. You and the regulars on this site will ruin the reputation many bridge players have for being awkward



bobbywolffJanuary 23rd, 2020 at 8:59 pm

Hi Iain,

My guess is that I have reached a stage in my life, OLD, that I do not keep up with records.

However, if it wasn’t for specifically you, and only an especially few others, (you all know who you are), leading the way, by donating so much of your time and effort to make our bridge informational site the best it can be, we definitely wouldn’t be as popular as I hope we now are.

My mere thanks to both you and our wonderful and knowledgeable group would not be nearly enough to any where near express the respect and regard I hold for all of you.

Let us always feel proud of trying to promote what surely has proven that it is the greatest mind game ever, incorporating different significant factors, including what I have so often felt with my international past, for a long period and with so many strong friendship blessings from many places in this whole wide world.

The WBF motto of “Bridge For Peace” has done more than its share to make that dream a possibility. In any event I do not ever plan to stop contributing to what I consider a distinct pleasure, if only for the acquaintance of all of our most beloved and frequent commenters.

Many glorious feelings and respect to all who are very much a critically important part of us.

Everlasting love,

Judy and Bobby