Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Monday, January 13th, 2020


A V Ramana RaoJanuary 27th, 2020 at 11:42 am

Hi Dear Mr Wolff
The last line is so appealing and though declarer imaginatively let the heart from West hold to make his contract secure but he could have easily adopted the last line too. Ruff in dummy and lead club K. Unless someone has a Singleton A , this will hold . If West is dealt with Singleton A there is no problem . Win the spade return, in dummy and lead clubs without bothering who ruffs as only one trump will be outstanding .If east is dealt with Singleton club S ( rather improbable ) he will win and shift to diamond but south wins and plays for spades 2-2. And if club K holds, continue with Q with impunity. Someone should win this else South had ten tricks . If east wins, he will shift to a diamond, but south wins A and plays for spade break. If West wins there is no problem and interestingly double dummy , south can amuse himself by ruffing second heart in dummy , lead K of clubs which should be ducked and reeling out five spades. The positions are very interesting but declarer prevails even if West discards high hearts keeping only four . Perhaps not very difficult based on bidding

Bobby WolffJanuary 27th, 2020 at 1:49 pm


As usual, you have, for advantage to declarer, well analyzed this thought provoker of a hand.

From trick two on, the cat and mouse aspect of both defense and declarer play rise, if for no other reason, than indignation.

Who cannot say for sure that East’s queen of hearts play at trick one did not indicate a higher of the other two suits involved honor, and if so, perhaps both the queen and jack, which if declarer would have had Axx in diamonds and only a club singleton (with a seventh spade), would have been vitally necessary for the defense.

Furthermore, those above contingent holdings become crucial for not only the competitors at the table, but also the composers of the bridge hand, who, of course, are only trying to create choices to make for both sides with sometimes conflicting legitimate reasons for one or the other.

Thanks for allowing my commercial, and although I seriously doubt Mr. Rudyard Kipling was a bridge player, his quote for this hand turns out to be quite symbolic.

Kudos to you, for taking the time and effort to often justify different twists for bridge lovers to ponder. Only adding additional truth to the old adage of “Let the winner explain”!