To avoid West dumping the DJ should South lead the DQ on the first round of the suit? That might be from D Q109 when West mustn’t shed the DJ.
bobbywolffMay 12th, 2020 at 5:43 pm
Hi Iain,
Yes, from a strictly technical bridge standpoint. West would only lose, if declarer had started with only KQ9 in diamonds and had the entries to then enter dummy and finesse against East’s original 10xxx in diamonds, which, in truth could only occur in Never, Never land and once every eleven million years with the added necessity of a most beautiful fairy princess becoming a love slave for the remaining 4 thousand years of the declarer’s life (assuming there is a male declarer and that I am not offending any person or group).
IOW, sort of unlikely, but still good for keeping in practice with bridge probabilities and their likelihood.
While preparing for the proper ways to execute unusual suit plays definitely belongs in a top bridge archer’s quiver, it, for teaching purposes, needs to be very clear about its importance, if for no other reason than bragging rights.
One thing for sure, trying to slip past our current group of bridge piranha fish, is indeed difficult, even if a body of water is far, far, away.
HI Bobby,
To avoid West dumping the DJ should South lead the DQ on the first round of the suit? That might be from D Q109 when West mustn’t shed the DJ.
Hi Iain,
Yes, from a strictly technical bridge standpoint. West would only lose, if declarer had started with only KQ9 in diamonds and had the entries to then enter dummy and finesse against East’s original 10xxx in diamonds, which, in truth could only occur in Never, Never land and once every eleven million years with the added necessity of a most beautiful fairy princess becoming a love slave for the remaining 4 thousand years of the declarer’s life (assuming there is a male declarer and that I am not offending any person or group).
IOW, sort of unlikely, but still good for keeping in practice with bridge probabilities and their likelihood.
While preparing for the proper ways to execute unusual suit plays definitely belongs in a top bridge archer’s quiver, it, for teaching purposes, needs to be very clear about its importance, if for no other reason than bragging rights.
One thing for sure, trying to slip past our current group of bridge piranha fish, is indeed difficult, even if a body of water is far, far, away.