Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Sunday, May 31st, 2020


A V Ramana RaoJune 14th, 2020 at 11:40 am

Hi Dear Mr Wolff
With reference to Frank M’ s comment and answer, wish you will continue to enlighten and enthrall the Bridge community for a very long time to come and so that you do not age goes without saying and of course your married life remains blissful for ever
Best regards

bobbywolffJune 14th, 2020 at 4:42 pm


Much thanks for both your and Frank M’s comment regarding me and, of course, how aging (so it says) has made for me, a “skip bid”.

My closely allied “team” has made a surprise inclusion to which and, of course, has, at least, somewhat embarrassed me, but nevertheless they would have to physically fight me to have it retracted (however, though regrettably, after consulting my available percentage table, they would all too likely, win).

Between them and Judy’s ever involvement with the tedious details of my considerably less than perfect, spelling, grammar, and sentence structure I would likely not pass muster, but altogether, like magic, suddenly just (at least to my eyes) appears to mesh.

However, now for the commercial, but in this case it is as true as the enlightened bridge percentage table, you and the greatest bunch of truly excellent bridge players (from all around the world) combine to between everyone, seem to cover at least some of the hidden marvelous mysteries which altogether, at least IMO, allow bridge to be the best “mind” game ever conceived.

Finally, and in regard to my latest photos of not having aged, I need to talk it over with my lower legs, not having the strength nor the coordination to allow me to anymore walk and not be concerned with keeping my balance, but, with tongue in cheek, certainly realize that the above is only Mother Nature’s way of teaching me the no doubt, immutable percentage table of real life, instead of my preferred task of noting a minor change in some relatively neglected bridge percentage table (such as Terence Reese’s brilliant, Principle of Restricted Choice).