Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Friday, July 10th, 2020


David WarheitJuly 24th, 2020 at 9:11 am

Let’s see: W holds Sxx Hxxx DKQ10x CAxxx. After winning the DK opening lead, W leads a H. E wins the first trump, leads a C to W’s A and ruffs a H. Down one. And all S had to do was win the first D!

Bruce KarlsonJuly 24th, 2020 at 10:21 am

Looking at that board, an attitude signal seems right. If the 2 denies the A, South must have it and cannot have the club A; even the Q becomes slightly unlikely. If it is not board 28 and I am tolerably alert, I would shift. In my non wizard universe the 2 means STOP and hopefully think.

Iain ClimieJuly 24th, 2020 at 12:00 pm

Hi David,

True but you’ll never hear the last of it if South turns up with KJ10xxx J Jxx Qx or similar and partner says something lesss than helpful like “We beat it if we just take oor minor suit winners …”. Why do people make such comments I wonder?



Steven R ConradJuly 24th, 2020 at 1:32 pm

Hi Bobby,

Thanks for the deals on deception. Do you have any deals which would feature feigning strength as a defender or feigning length as a defender? Those are rare birds, so it seems. Might you have examples in your back pocket to illustrate any of those deceptive plays?


David WarheitJuly 24th, 2020 at 1:47 pm

Iain: I will hear the last of it once I point out to partner that he has only 12 cards.

Iain ClimieJuly 24th, 2020 at 2:04 pm

HI David,

Good one, x (or lack of it) marks the finger slip! Hopefully flat board, average plus or redeal at worst. Ignoring my innumerate moments (I had a spell a while ago of counting 14 diamonds per hand about twice per session, only diamonds) this is why I raise questions on single dummy lines and defensive proplams. Those hearts in dummy would worry me no end.

I hope you’re well,




bobbywolffJuly 24th, 2020 at 2:13 pm

Hi David,

No doubt your layout and tactical cure is possible.

However, once West shows up with the KQ of diamonds and considering West passed over the WTB by South, the odds will slightly favor East having the ace of clubs (because of West’s pass over 2 spades). Therefore, if West held the club ace and the wrong opponent had a singleton heart, the entry situation enabled, and the opponents read it right, yes declarer would have been wrong and no doubt caused commotion and disdain from partner.

However, not every partnership is afflicted with TOCM TM, nor do they play count instead of attitude on opening lead.

Therefore I, and your other disciples, reading your post should realize that you are merely stating a reasonable excuse for grabbing the opening lead instead of the declarer’s duck, hoped to be brilliant, which may instead, have turned awry.

Quote the raven, or the raving, rave on, but sleeping in the streets is often wraiting in the wrings for the wong (or did I overlook and misplace a trio of r’s).

bobbywolffJuly 24th, 2020 at 2:18 pm

Hi Bruce,

I agree with your all of your judgment, at least on today’s hand. No brilliance, no magic, no count signals, but yes, a proper result.

bobbywolffJuly 24th, 2020 at 2:41 pm

Hi Iain,

Bad news and good news, perhaps news should be noose.

Partners say that so that you will feel that you are getting your entry fee’s worth by playing with them, by the lessons learned from them.

Also, but not often enough, to make an advanced silent apology for them messing up the next hand, but not having to hear from you since the round is up, because of time wasted on the previous discussion, and everyone is now moving.

Also, while counting 13 diamonds to be 14 instead can be profitable, not in bridge, but in the jewelry business, so if you were both a diamond merchant and a bridge player, your habit could make you wealthier, though pay back a likely smaller price in bridge.

Consider it a trade-off, that is, of course, contingent on you not being locked up, that being, not only in dummy.