Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, October 28th, 2020


bobbywolffNovember 11th, 2020 at 6:23 pm

Hi Everyone,

Needless to say, but still apologies from me for not including it in the column.

Obviously all of the bear family, after declarer ducked the opening diamond in dummy had to overcome the falsecard of the nine of diamonds by a cagey, though barely awake human, South.

And since I failed to notify in the column, it bears repeating here although a truly sadistic declarer, only if he succeeds, would rather his opponents not be able to make that excuse, since while glorifying an intelligent declarer play, it prevents a significant chuckle by his truly, which might be heard clear around the jungle.

Yes, I sometimes monkey around and go to lengths to cover up bare misplays.

Iain ClimieNovember 11th, 2020 at 7:40 pm

HI Bobby,

Looking at the South hand (which is a severe misfit and not great anyway) would you have bailed out to 3C or gone on to game? Can’t argue with Success at 2/3 of the tables although old style parenting would see baby bear sent to bed with no dinner for being a clever clogs!
In similar vein, wouldn’t an evening duplicate finish past his bedtime?



bobbywolffNovember 11th, 2020 at 11:40 pm

Hi Iain,

While accepting the 1S P 1NT P, 2NT, P initial sequence, the only 2 bids which come to mind would of course be, 3C and 3NT.

However, if partner would show you only 5 cards of his hand, before you had to then choose, and those cards were the 65432 of spades. would that make a major difference?

Methinks that would make the two possibilities simply 5 clubs or 6 clubs instead of the original choices, or, if only one choice with partner (opening 1S bidder) being it, perhaps: s. 65432, h. A2, d. AKJ10, c. AJ and then, assuming partner bids clubs then converting whatever number bid to seven diamonds.

However, if playing Truth or Consequences I would choose 3NT, if only to be sociable.

Finally your rejoinder about kids and bedtime in the current generation has passed that judgment to the kid with his parents only to speak when and if, spoken to.