The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021
by Bobby Wolff on
July 7th, 2021
Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns |
The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021
by Bobby Wolff on
July 7th, 2021
Hi Dear Mr Wolff
Once he wins spade A at T 2, leading back a spade would
perhaps may not occur to west but he had a much simpler option. Just duck K of spade. It is quite apparent that south do not have many entries to hand else he could have played spades from hand and once west ducks , south can utilise his diamond entry either for leading spade or leading diamond but not both and has to go down. Yes, he can still prevail by leading low spade and later ruffing out spade A but that would be doubledummy. If spade A were four carded and J three carded, he needs to play spade Q after K is ducked to ruff out J but leaving apart doubledummy play, west could have ducked and has nothing to lose.
Have you checked facebook recently?
What West has to lose is, likely after relatively slowly ducking (after hitching), is giving away the location of the spade ace, which on some percentage of hands could be the difference maker.
The above comment could be invalid, if and when, a bridge player emerges who has the sixth sense to totally envision the placement of all 52 cards while only gazing at one half of them. Close perhaps, but sadly, likely true.
Finally, remember when declarer picked the king of spades to lead from dummy (at trick two), he was probably hoping that East had the ace, but when he discovers (for all practical purposes) that West indeed possesses it, he could, with the location of the key cards unknown except for the location of the spade ace, may now segue to a legitimate winning line, since the spade duck by West is indeed counter intuitive, especially when it takes more than an instant to make that crucial decision.
However, nothing you have said above, as usual, is in any way either way out or, of course wrong (because it is not), only the practicality of West making such a decision, allowing declarer to then (with the many different 52 card combinations still relatively unknown) to change his order of play to a legitimate make.
However a continued and resounding thank you for always adding truth (and occasional consequences) to the play of many hands we present, which in turn, allow for much better understanding by others who also become enthralled.
OMG, it was you, sorry, I deleted in the absence of any information. ( I am quite cautious ) Please indicate your mail id so that I can communicate with you