Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Monday, August 2nd, 2021


David WarheitAugust 16th, 2021 at 9:26 am

What do you think of S bidding 3NT instead of 4S? He can pretty much count on 5 spade tricks and 3 aces, and surely his partner has something outside of spades, plus partner is essentially denying having a singleton anywhere, so it seems like now is that rare time to forego a 9-card spade fit.

Iain ClimieAugust 16th, 2021 at 11:19 am

Hi David,

Works well in many cases e.g. North has CK but Hxxx as well as today’s hand on a minor suit lead. West might even try to be clever as he’d “know” East had 5 spades and lead one with interesting consequences in the post mortem.



A V Ramana RaoAugust 16th, 2021 at 12:13 pm

Hi Dear Mr Wolff
Perhaps east should play diamond K on the lead. Now, if west wins and leads club, it must be patent to west that south holds club A and he can hop up K. In case south ducks lead too, east leads J of club and west can be sure about South’s A of club. East’s unblock of D K will only help partner and cannot do any harm

Steve ConradAugust 16th, 2021 at 12:31 pm

Hi Guys,

Re AVRR’s statement that a certain action “cannot do any harm”: one of my favorite sayings is really two sayings, which a friend always says. They are

1) Things that cannot hurt sometimes help, and
2) Things that cannot help sometimes hurt.

So I surely agree with AVRR’s philosophy!

Iain ClimieAugust 16th, 2021 at 1:40 pm

Hi AVRR, Steve,

What if West has DQJ alone?


Bobby WolffAugust 16th, 2021 at 1:47 pm

Hi David,

Methinks, you especially, know the advantage of preferring aces for suit bidding instead of NT (sure tricks and in addition protect unconditionally with also having a suit stopped and often a sure entry).

Bridge, being the game it is, often a gamble, does have its exceptions, but in my mind, and during the bidding phase a conscientious very good player, would be regarded as a master mind (not complimentary) if he chose NT on this hand.

In truth and during the bidding stage, no one should stray from accepted caveats and, at least to me, the one above, is a classic example.

However, yes it can be talked about, but, IMO, the above concept would only apply if a long solid or at least close, minor suit (once in a great while, even a major) might produce nine tricks rather than ten, but otherwise I, even for one, do not remember a hand I was ever even tempted to

The above is only IMO.

A V Ramana RaoAugust 16th, 2021 at 1:51 pm

Hi lain
In that case, south will probably have a doubleton in either hearts or clubs and cannot be stopped from scoring game. The chance that south ventured game with only three spades can safely be ruled out

Bobby WolffAugust 16th, 2021 at 1:54 pm

Hi Iain,

No doubt our congenial site lends itself to all kinds of bridge subjects, but my job as moderator is to at least attempt, to stir all of us with a large dose of discipline, not always producing the better result, but rather head for, at least IMO, the more likely better choice.

Bobby WolffAugust 16th, 2021 at 1:59 pm


Yes, you are entitled to join in for creating a mind swell, even if regarded as something which works (particularly with the unseen cards which then emerge), but covering partner’s queen of diamonds might not work so well if declarer, not the opening leader, had the nine to
go with his ten or, of course with Iain’s QJ doubleton.

Bobby WolffAugust 16th, 2021 at 2:05 pm

Hi Steve,

Yes, but who is to know when plays made, particularly early in the hand, cannot hurt?

The above sentence occurs often in bridge especially on defense, when they, unlike declarer, are not looking at their own 26 cards.

Bobby WolffAugust 16th, 2021 at 2:16 pm

Hi again AVRR,

Do not agree that South could jump to 4 spades with only three, since, at least to me that would occur often, particularly if South had a somewhat weak doubleton (Qx, but especially Jx) in an unbid suit.

However, in no way am I suggesting that discussions like now, should not be held, only that with the specific players involved having very good to great bridge minds, this particular topic, being quite common, needs both sides represented, at least to me, since we need to never make a statement which could ever lead to what I believe, is palpable non-percentage action.