Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, July 6th, 2022


Iain ClimieJuly 20th, 2022 at 10:38 am

Hi Bobby,

On BWTA, if the majors were swapped would you consider 1S in 1st or 2nd, especially if the suit were a little stronger with the 10 or even the 9 added? I agree it is still a pretty messy hand compared to (say) Ax QJ10xx KJ9 xxx



Steve ConradJuly 20th, 2022 at 10:52 am

Gavin Wolpert told an interesting story. He had been playing in a big event and was being kibbitzed by Versace. At the end of the round, Versace looked at Gavin and said “11 points, 5-card major, open the bidding!”

bobbywolffJuly 20th, 2022 at 12:55 pm

Hi Iain,

Yes, I agree that your comment hand, by including the heart ten and the diamond nine is more suitable. However, at least to me, those 11 hcps still do not stand up to what I consider a 1st or 2nd seat opening bid.

No doubt,, we are dealing with close choices and I may be unjustly biased, but your example still feels a bit short, at least for my taste.

bobbywolffJuly 20th, 2022 at 1:10 pm

Hi Steve,

Yes, no doubt Versace feels differently, but whether that is a difference in individual tastes or rather partnership understanding, but doesn’t make either choice right or wrong.

Some may think time will tell, but even with marked upgrades regarding computer savvy on such disputes, to which the Aces now over 50+ years removed, have not even begun to record an inspired opinion.

Leaving us with not enough knowledge? Probably not, since those choices may be so close to decide that perhaps just a partnership understanding, rather than the actual choice, will serve the overall purpose.

jim2July 20th, 2022 at 1:16 pm

IIRC, Barry Crane’s policy was also to open all 11 point hands.

bobbywolffJuly 20th, 2022 at 1:44 pm

Hi again Steve,

Perhaps I should venture further:

Advantages of opening:

1. Partner begins to know something positive about your hand.

2. A better lead direction rather than guess, but not when holding only Jxxxx or Qxxxx except when possibly defending NT.

3. Takes away bidding space from your opponents. Fast arrival adds to the above, especially when an immediate trump fit is in the cards.

4. An intimidation, adversely effecting one’s opponents, could occur, again especially vs.
weaker or more timid opponents.

5. Sometimes prevents being totally excluded from the subject auction, when the overall hand is fairly evenly divided in strength.


1. Sometimes, in a competitive auction, it becomes similar to holding a switch as a weapon, in a big bear fight.

2. Can be of enormous help to a good declarer, and somewhat of a disadvantage to the opener’s partnership, when and if the opponents buy the hand.

3. If and when partner too, decides to get aggressive and bids ’em up he will likely bite off more than he can chew.

4. However and no doubt the whole above process will have to do with balanced hands since unbalanced ones have quite different and very varied pluses and minuses.

5. Finally, after the auction is complete, the player who opened the bidding will usually not be delighted nor even happy, when the last bid by the opponents is, what seems to be, a screaming DOUBLE!

bobbywolffJuly 20th, 2022 at 2:51 pm

Hi Jim2,

Yes and no doubt, Barry Crane opened light, a tendency which more or less, met the qualification of more or less being a palooka killer for the game at that time of playing against all sorts of players, mostly relatively inexperienced and intimidated opponents while playing against a partnership who were well trained in his system and also excellent players across from him, a brilliant Hollywood producer whose bridge talent matched up.

Not unlike the USA’s (and entire world) many sports teams who try their best to match their specific talents to the game they play, with emphasis on maximum value as a team.

Not a bad idea for us to extend that thinking to life in general, rather than to fall victim to only money and fame but instead concentrate on being the best one can be, in the most consistent way possible, and then have the courage to just await the results.