Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Friday, January 27th, 2023


Bobby WolffFebruary 10th, 2023 at 3:46 pm

Hi Everyone,

Because of the vulnerability, South’s declarer play became risky, since East would certainly not automatically open a weak 2 spades while also holding the club queen, but since the clubs had a tiny surplus with West, the column line of play was likely
percentage wise correct.

In any case, this hand certainly indicates the advantage for both counting the defensive distribution (together with blending in the bidding or lack thereof), suggesting players who have a natural arithmetic bent a rather larger bet to shine more brightly when getting deep into our beloved competition.

Nothing overwhelming, but could be enticing for parents to encourage their children to learn our game early, for both a thoroughly enjoyable experience as well as a chance to develop into one of the best in something very rewarding, especially,
in developing a balanced, orderly and logical mind.

Iain ClimieFebruary 10th, 2023 at 7:16 pm

H Bobby,

Vulnerability (and people using take out / negative doubles) might not deter some of the more reckless players I know although I’m not mentioning names. A very well reasoned line of play which Jim2 might try finding East with CQxx. Just as long as he doesn’t partner anyone who says “You’d have made it if you’d taken the club finesse”.

In similar vein I had to laugh last night. Partner was in 2H against silent oppo having opened a rather heavy weak 2 and bought the contract. The opening leader kicked off with the CQ finding dummy with CKx opposite partner’s singleton. He ducked to encourage a club continuation rather than risk a switch to a vulnerable side suit where a ruff seemed all too possible and the opening leader smilingly produced the CA at T2. Ruffed but the two of us fell around giggling at the end of the hand.



jim2February 11th, 2023 at 1:49 am

Iain Climie –

I would lead to the AC, then xC towards the KJ in the closed hand.

As I reached to select a card, a familiar “shimmer” would appear between the cards held by the EW. Little wavering lines of quantum bits would hang in the air. I have given up pointing them out, as all others present always claim not to see them.

But they are there. They always are.

The instant I play the card, the phenomenon ceases, with a “snap” — again only heard by me, so it seems — as the cards complete their migration.

TOCM ™ — it is my bane.

Bobby WolffFebruary 11th, 2023 at 3:04 pm

Hi Jim2,

You might have missed your calling in life.

Instead of loving bridge you should have devoted your time to being a magician
with the specialty of unseen but felt movement by heretofore stationary objects.

However, to allow your incredible talent to appear, you will likely have to stage a bridge game on stage, otherwise your above genius might (will) go the way of all flesh and disappear. So, in addition to the above suggestion, I recommend your
publicity start and end with the phrase, “TABLE UP”, REMINDING YOUR HERETOFAR

Iain ClimieFebruary 11th, 2023 at 3:10 pm

Hi Jim2,

Did you kick Schrodinger’s cat in a past life? Some sort of horrible feline karma might be the problem.

