Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, 6 September, 2023


bobbywolffSeptember 6th, 2023 at 5:28 pm

Hi Everyone,

While there could be several remarks ventured with today’s hand, I’ll suffice it to make only one, When you see West insert the 10 of hearts at about trick 6 you will be able to gaze
upon a player who would be in everyone’s top 100 players in the world ever. Yes, plays like that are not, of necessity, made only by those who are ranked that high, but only instead, will be made by players, adept of all phases of bridge counting, specific card evaluation as to importance, together with the bidding (always), but keeping in mind that the road to that splendor DOES NOT require what may be thought of as bridge genius, but instead the bridge understanding, which in turn, could be an adjunct to simple arithmetic, high-level bridge style
supplied by a player who has been paying keen attention to his (or her, rare) responsibility
to the partner or team he has chosen to be on his side.

Yes, plays like that do not appear often, but when they do, they should be trumpeted for all to feel and respond.

Robert LiptonSeptember 6th, 2023 at 6:00 pm

I managed it once. And it established declarer’s 4th card in the suit.

Bob Lipton

bobbywolffSeptember 6th, 2023 at 6:21 pm

Hi Bob,

That is the penalty any declarer may make for playing too many NT contracts.

However, it is indeed strange tor any worthwhile declarer to try and develop immediate
tricks if playing NT and not trying to develop long suit tricks. Occasional yes, but often, a resounding no.