Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Monday, 16 October, 2023


Iain ClimieOctober 16th, 2023 at 3:06 pm

Hi Bobby,

Have a look at the money NS can have off 3H X too if they get everything right. Maybe South should think of the spade misfit here. The same defence as today beats 5D too of course.



Jeff SerandosOctober 16th, 2023 at 4:08 pm

Hi Iain and Bobby,

Yes, I was also looking at all those lovely tricks available to 3H X. I was also wondering if North really has enough to push to the five-level. I guess the prime cards convinced him?



Iain ClimieOctober 16th, 2023 at 4:42 pm

Also South’s clubs are too strong here. If He had AJ10x and dummy had K98x then CQxx can be picked up.


Patrick CheuOctober 16th, 2023 at 4:50 pm

Hi Iain,Jeff and Bobby, Methinks once South bids 4C(voluntary bid) it would be difficult for North not to bid 5C. If South did x 3H..would that be viewed as game try or penalties? My feeling is that it should be game try..But North can pass if holding a heart trick of sort.. Not sure about defending 3Hx when the vul game bonus is so tempting with that South hand..if only North has a heart singleton..regards Patrick

bobbywolffOctober 16th, 2023 at 7:13 pm

Hi Iain, Jeff & Patrick,

Methinks it is just a waste of time to think about taking time out to double a NV nine trick contract when NS was dealt a potential game hand (either minor or possibly 3NT). No doubt NS should have, but long ago during the Aces existence, when reviewing a match hand our
concentration stayed on NS and the way to bid it, rather than to try and be brilliant and risk a really “silly” ending.

Not that this hand is so different, just that when opponents decide to come in the bidding (often mostly for leads) the bridge scoring system needs to guide us and we, while only each looking at 1/4 of the stock are not miracle workers, guessing as we go. For example, if Norths AK was a doubleton in hearts with 2 little spades, a small slam in either minor would be percentage with the possibility for a grand. and what about one partner or the other having a heart void, yes he would be much more with it, but still…….

Patrick CheuOctober 16th, 2023 at 7:48 pm

Hi Bobby,Whilst rereading Mike Lawrence book on Overcalls,I came across this:All nv AQT876 3 AJ76 Q2 / LHO 1C 1S(You) RHO 2C 3H-Pass-? Facing partner’s jump shift(good hand which could be passed if min and a misfit) what would you bid? He said 3S but is it forcing..and said good reasons for playing it as NF but felt it should be forcing.Just wonder how you would play it? page 210 to ponder over the question.

bobbywolffOctober 16th, 2023 at 8:31 pm

Hi Patrick,

While I was reading your blog, the first thing to which I thought, was “3 spades” by him, clearly forcing and I decided it should be, but if not, then a return by me would then also be NF. My hand is powerful, but not for hearts so, since 3H by him is NF, I would chance a 4 diamond bid, likely a very good hand, but the beginning of a misfit, unless he had, at least 4 diamonds or a doubleton heart. Partner could obviously hold solid spades (KQJ10xx) making a spade contract stand out, especially compared to holding a low singleton heart.

It always will be a problem as to whether those type jumps are forcing or merely invitational, especially with a miss fit with a mediocre but somewhat effective way of playing them NF so, with a solid suit then bid 4 spades as not necessarily very strong, but rather a very good suit

bobbywolffOctober 16th, 2023 at 8:40 pm

Hi again Patrick,

Sorry for the confusion above since partner, not I was bidding spades and I was bidding hearts. For him to jump should mean a more or less solid suit, able to play opposite a singleton (KQJ10xx) would be ideal. That, at least to me, is a determining factor in making a jump to let partner know that quality of suit is good enough to play opposite a singleton.

Not an easy thing to play unless well discussed.

Patrick CheuOctober 16th, 2023 at 9:25 pm

Hi Bobby, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the matter. There is a lot to discuss in this game in order to get better. Reading books always helps. Lastly but not least,your web site has helped immensely over the years in my becoming a better player and hopefully a more understanding person. Thanks again. Cheers Patrick 🙂

bobbywolffOctober 17th, 2023 at 1:49 pm

Hi Patrick,

With the sheer horrors going on (and showing few signs of a worthwhile let up) it is the
always positivity, so visible in your posts. which to me, makes them stand taller than

If the world could only feel what wonderful people like you could bring to it, it would be the best seller ever known. Sadly, there is little chance for that magic to work, but merely just
considering it, creates a powerful uplift. I, and my guess, everyone who gives us their time,
becomes a necessary fixture to which we all owe, to each other, a huge slice of like, to which, in time (if it hasn’t already) grown to what we should call BRIDGE LOVE, a moniker
to which our game richly deserves.

Finally, if you are not among the most respected people who blog, there is not a cow in Texas, so Moo, moo and some more mooing is always what I use to hear, before I moved away.