Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Monday, 27 November, 2023


Iain ClimieNovember 27th, 2023 at 11:50 am

Hi Bobby,

With a trump more and a diamond less, would you consider a trump on LWTA, especially as the C9 is round into the stronger hand (although so is everything TBF)? Double dummy there might be a brilliant Grosvenor coup here (at IMPs anyway – at pairs the benefit is lost as the victim mentally disintegrates against other pairs) imagine South has a trump suit of Q10xx in dummy opposite AJ9xx in hand. On a small heart lead he plays the HQ to get the cover, which doesn’t happen of course, so leads a heart to the J and West takes the HK having had two tricks extra information to think about what to do next. Not so clever if the trumps are 6-4 of course unless partner has A or Q alone, but show me a player who could react calmly to such a coup and I’ll show you a robot!



bobbywolffNovember 27th, 2023 at 2:14 pm

Hi, back atcha Iain,

Yes, on South Presa St. in San Antonio, Texas, (the place I was born and resided my first 35 years) there was an asylum on South Presa St. (strong Mexican influence since that city was perhaps about 50% Latino) and many of them, if not a majority, back in the day, might also, while holding Kx, have led a low.. And, likely a strong percentage of them, as you mentioned, when (and if it works) would have two extra tricks to decide what to do next, but possibly much too often it may be to decide whether or not to finish defending this hand
or possibly claim cramps and disappear presumably to the loo, but, in reality the front door.

And since my given name is Robert, it becomes close enough to robot, so that poor soul, opening leader, might have his whole named itched in bridge immortality, while causing the coup you write about, but unfortunately. not being invited back, ever again.
so proudly refer.

bobbywolffNovember 27th, 2023 at 2:27 pm

Hi again Iain,

I DID NOT INTEND TO MEAN THAT MEXICAN BRIDGE PLAYERS WOULD LEAD LOW FROM Kx IN TRUMPS!!!!! They are, as a group, far too conservative than that.

Iain ClimieNovember 27th, 2023 at 2:45 pm

Hi Bobby,

George Rosenkranz was one such I believe – he invented Romex.


bobbywolffNovember 27th, 2023 at 3:00 pm

Hi Iain,

Yes, and also the initial birth control medication perhaps 80 to 90 years ago, which was likely not as socially important as his Romex bridge system, but possibly close.

Iain ClimieNovember 27th, 2023 at 7:09 pm

Hi Bobby,

Yes I remember reading that. Didn’t he die in rather odd circumstances, though? He hadn’t been willingly unleashing the Grosvenor coup surely?



bobbywolffNovember 27th, 2023 at 9:01 pm

Hi Iain,

Yes, and he barely snuck out of Eastern Europe as a young scientist ahead of Hitler’s edict
headed for North America, in where he met his charming wife, Edith, developed a company called Syntex, settled in Mexico City and made a proverbial fortune. Then he took up bridge, loved it, and spent most of his life raising successful children, going to all high-level bridge tournaments without neglecting his company and both lived to close to 100 years old (middle 90’s) before fairly recently checking out.

Always an interesting pair, with Edith absolutely standing out as a charmer to everyone she ever met, and was once kidnapped by a 30 year old bridge player for a high ransom
at a Washington DC bridge Nationals, I think around the early… 1980’s. It took the FBI to catch the culprit. Glen Wright, was his name from Houston, Texas and he is now finally out of jail. She was not harmed! The night she was kidnapped, George was kibitzing Bob Hamman and me during the Spingold KOs.
but other than that, I do not know what else and have lost touch.

Iain ClimieNovember 27th, 2023 at 9:53 pm

Hi Bobby,

Apparently he died in June 2019 aged 102! Bridge can keep us going!
