Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, 14 February, 2024


Iain ClimieFebruary 14th, 2024 at 12:11 pm

Hi Bobby,

I’m not so sure in this day and age that East won’t have something like Kx AKJxx x 10xxxx especially as many people play that UNT can be weak (I tend to play it as either 7-11 or 16+ with tweaks on vulnerability), East is at favourable, it pre-empts spades and shows 10 cards rather than 5 or 6 for a 1H overcall. Feel free to shoot me down here but, having said that, I wondered if the defence could do better; I’d also be surprised if they didn’t try to cash a club after the CA at T1 before the D switch

Surely West should consider the HK for a look? East drops the HQ so West obediently plays a diamond (after all East might be void with an extra club although 1516 may not beat 4S), gets in with a trump and gives East his ruff. Unfortunately now East is stuck on lead and the club trick never materialises. So maybe not but I’d still have been tempted to try it at T1. As it was, EW had to rely on South accidentally being an extra defender. I’m sure Mollo had plenty to say on that topic along with his thoughts like “Never wake a dozy partner up; if he has 6 cards left there are fair odds he’ll pick the right one (there might be equal choices too – IC thought); wake him up and the club bookie will quote at least 10-1 against”.



Iain ClimieFebruary 14th, 2024 at 12:20 pm

PS Trickier at pairs or BAM I suppose but +620 surely won’t be that bad in the former case.


MirceaFebruary 14th, 2024 at 10:01 pm


I really like the idea of West starting with HK for a look. Would you still do it with K 10 6 5 ?

Ducking the club lead cannot be good, unless desperate for a top at pairs or BAM, as it risks the contract.

Do you agree?

Iain ClimieFebruary 14th, 2024 at 10:40 pm

Hi Mircea,

I’m with you on both of these although obviously KJxx is a lot safer only needing partner to have one of the HA or HQ – TOCM would then give pard H109xxx and dummy either HA alone or HAJ opposite HQx either way.

Incidentally, the author of today’s comment seems to have been quite interesting although I don’t know what he would have made of bridge. He was incredibly rude about crosswords (!)

