I know the feeling as South! Last night I was in spades missing AQ10 only with Jx in dummy and 987 to 8 in hand. Entries are reasonable and there is a safety play to avoid losing 3 tricks (vs AQ10 on you left) of small to the J. Pairs though,, so I should lead a small one off table catering easily for A or Q alone onside and a view if the 10 appears. Instead IO led the J and RHO (a newbie) produced the 10 albeit with some feel for discomfort and uncertainty. Well it can’t be Q10, AQ10 on my right doesn’t matter as I’m always losing 2 but maybe she’s ducked with A10 alone so I went up with the K. RHO’s twitch was due to having played the 10 from Q10 doubleton but having retained enough composure not to try to grab the card. Fortunately I’d underbid the hand as well as under-playing it so I salvaged a few matchpoints!
Iain ClimieMarch 1st, 2024 at 7:12 pm
Make that K987 to 8 in hand.
Iain ClimieMarch 1st, 2024 at 9:49 pm
HI again Bobby,
Actually, ion the subject of the infamous Grosvenor coup, there is a chance on today’s hand. South is stuck in hand so has no legitimate chance except top play diamonds form the top. if East or West ducks with DAx, even HH will struggle to keep calm for a while afterwards.
Hi Bobby,
I know the feeling as South! Last night I was in spades missing AQ10 only with Jx in dummy and 987 to 8 in hand. Entries are reasonable and there is a safety play to avoid losing 3 tricks (vs AQ10 on you left) of small to the J. Pairs though,, so I should lead a small one off table catering easily for A or Q alone onside and a view if the 10 appears. Instead IO led the J and RHO (a newbie) produced the 10 albeit with some feel for discomfort and uncertainty. Well it can’t be Q10, AQ10 on my right doesn’t matter as I’m always losing 2 but maybe she’s ducked with A10 alone so I went up with the K. RHO’s twitch was due to having played the 10 from Q10 doubleton but having retained enough composure not to try to grab the card. Fortunately I’d underbid the hand as well as under-playing it so I salvaged a few matchpoints!
Make that K987 to 8 in hand.
HI again Bobby,
Actually, ion the subject of the infamous Grosvenor coup, there is a chance on today’s hand. South is stuck in hand so has no legitimate chance except top play diamonds form the top. if East or West ducks with DAx, even HH will struggle to keep calm for a while afterwards.