Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, 06 March, 2024


Jeff SerandosMarch 6th, 2024 at 4:49 am

Hi Bobby,

I have a couple of questions about this hand. Do you agree with the 2H opening here in first seat? That hand just does not look good enough to me for that bid even at good colors. It makes no difference today, N-S should still make their way to 6S and South should still work out that the 4-1 split is the only danger (maybe the 2H bid puts that split top of mind, but South should get it right in any case).

The second question is more a flight of fancy. If West on whatever whim (and after an unopposed auction) kicks things off with a trump, how good does South need to be to work out to duck it? Yes, leading the trump makes no sense, but I think as declarer, I’d be reaching for the aspirin if he did. I know it should not matter to how South plays the hand and, yet, it somehow looks much harder.

bobbywolffMarch 6th, 2024 at 3:00 pm

Hi Jeff,

Most assuredly do I agree with West’s choice of bidding as the lead-off
batter, since the favorable vulnerability (main reason) and, of course, not a weak two bid, but the major bid and a minor, blends entirely with the overall picture of being a tough opponent.

More often than likely thought, when two partnerships compare talents with results, but, in truth the amount of ego is at stake, the pair who often try and make it tougher for more experienced partnerships to best them at the table, wind up with better results.

Furthermore, since that mystery tends to lie on which of the opposing pairs creates intelligent road blocks than do the other, or, at the very least, that psychological advantage is ever present. whether or not it actually exists, simply because their opponents, going forward will not have as much confidence as desired.

bobbywolffMarch 6th, 2024 at 3:22 pm

Hi again Jeff,

You, likely being younger, but making you less experienced, should not worry about extraneous factors, to which,, and in respect to Gandhi’s
magnificent quote, should throw off all psychological factors, thereby
only to concentrate on what to do, after the opening lead has been exposed and the dummy down at the table.

However, with you looking good as a relatively newbie to our off-the-charts challenging enterprise, need to look unnecessary hazards squarely in the eye and learn to immediately concentrate on yourself
devoting all brain power to what you see, not what you only feel.

Perhaps slowly you’ll rid yourself of wasteful habits, but, in the due course of time, you will likely, sooner than you think, allow your superior brain (or so it will seem)to relax and strongly just enjoy, what you are doing.