Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, 22 May, 2024


Iain ClimieMay 22nd, 2024 at 3:50 pm

Hi Bobby,

A little knowledge (on ducking to cut communications) can be a dangerous thing though. I remember one partner studiously doing that with xx in hand opposite Axx in dummy after LHO who had made a WJO had led the K. Sure enough, he had 7 so the Ace got ruffed away. We were having a bad session anyway tbf.



bobbywolffMay 22nd, 2024 at 8:50 pm

Hi Iain,

Statistically, I believe that an important factor in judging a player’s bridge game can be explained in a roundabout way better by merely thinking, and then believing that possibly
the major way to determine the worth of anyone who competes in a difficult and/or very competitive competition will save his errors (if he must make them, to which all players, not only the ones who are vulnerable) for the times it is not costly (opposite to bringing home the bacon). I, for one, cannot define why, but, at least to me, that simple fact IMO, rules

Perhaps that fact, (at least I consider it one, during my playing days). It could be an illusion
but, at least to me, it rules. Perhaps one fine day, our best and brightest minds will find ways to accurately measure most everything that can be, and, if so, all of us will benefit from it and thus devote more time to charge in that direction.

My guess in bridge for being close to the top of that list with constructive time, would be to take on the finest challengers as often as possible and then devote much time to analyzing all the final results.

No doubt, easier said then done, but obviously, I hope someone can bring it closer to fruition..

Iain ClimieMay 22nd, 2024 at 9:59 pm

Hi Bobby,

Seems like sound advice. We hit 3S last week after oppo had balanced on an implausible auction at Game All and promptly wrote down -930! Minus 170 would have been a bottom too and taking the push to 4H would have cost 200 despite our combined 23 HCP. It was pairs so there you go!

