Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Thursday, 11 July, 2024


Mircea GiurgeuJuly 11th, 2024 at 3:29 pm

Is there anything that the opponents can do against the devious play?

From East’s perspective, the heart honors are doomed if declarer has AQx(x) in that suit, so based on that, is it reasonable for East to hop with the king?

bobbywolffJuly 11th, 2024 at 7:59 pm

Hi Mircea,

Reasonable is a word that possibly is the most used word available or should we say used
when describing bridge plays and the right and wrong reasons for them to be played.

IOW, instead of yes or no, a quizzical maybe, is often directly on point.

And when comparing, nothing short of our very best players, and through the years, perhaps it is the competition of the moment or “rising to the occasion” my judgment
is, at that time will show approximately how that “player or and partnership, for that honor” will eventually be rated, after compiling his victories vs. defeats at that moment in the highest ranked tournaments (World Championships) or also National Championships when the host country has a competitive bridge team or, of course, if the top world players are in attendance.
competing their tails off.