Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, 31 July, 2024


jim2July 31st, 2024 at 1:28 am

On the defense in the text, I think I would have either:

1) Played for KQ onside and ducked the QC, or

2) Played for split honors and won AC, cashed the top Ds and ONE top trump, and then led JC.

Obviously, TOCM ™ would have ensured I went down no matter which I chose.

Iain ClimieJuly 31st, 2024 at 12:04 pm

Hi Jim2,

Just to worsen matters further, suppose you veered towards option 1 in a mixed field. You’d then discover that West wasn’t a top-class player but had pulled the wrong card – shades of Mollo’s RR. There is also a restricted choice aspect here as West with CKQ clearly has to split his honours, but it might be missed (or even wrong) with only one honour. The K or Q will definitely appear in the first case (and it could be either) but not necessarily in the second case, always assuming West has an honour; TOCM might give East CKQx when the other honour can be ruffed down and trumps would then be 2-2 no doubt.

I suspect that, like Dante’s circles of hell, there are different aspects and levels of TOCM lurking beneath the surface – but I probably don’t need to tell you that!



bobbywolffJuly 31st, 2024 at 2:38 pm

Hi Jim2 & Iain,

Between the two of you, you have not only not missed a possible option, you have indeed personalized the critical choice to a definite individual degree, slightly dependent
on ordinary likelihood to Iain, but always foolproof to Jim2.

In some cases being somewhat jealous of the before hand knowledge accruing to him, that is, until truth sets in with the always antithesis end result to the knowing,
already in progress, but continuously hopeful (to no avail) Jim2 (who undoubtedly was once Jim1) before his mighty, and complete and continuance, ever lasting, unfortunate, demise (from one of the greatest players still alive, but because of the results, described soft but differently, to a bridge player).

And the band continued to master Jim 2’s not so favorite song, appropriately named,
“who’d of thunk it?”)! And speaking of the villain Dante. no one needs to tell him where to go, even Jim2, as he is already there, but he Dante has asked his master, the Devil
for a favor of, like others, to have half of his finesses to work, and been granted that, at least compared with himself. Once only, in a long life, Jim’s finesse in trumps did work, but in return, the trumps split 5-0 for another down 1, but. because of his brilliant play did score up average, which was to him, called “lucky”!