Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Tuesday, 10 December, 2024


Iain ClimieDecember 10th, 2024 at 12:04 pm

Hi Bobby,

Are there any circumstances where you would consider a 1H overcall instead of passing e.g. if the auction started P P 1C? Whether the lead directional advantages are worth it (you may well wind up on lead) is perhaps debatable but it might manage to talk the oppo out of 3N if they held (say) Qx opposite Jxx. There again partners do turn up with 4 or even 5 card support and take such bids seriously, so maybe not at least under normal circumstances. Trying to catch up in a match might be different.



bobbywolffDecember 10th, 2024 at 3:06 pm

Hi Iain,

My experience will likely convince me that below par bidding decisions (such as over calling
one heart, instead of going quietly with a standard pass or, at least to me, a ridiculous 1 diamond, should then be only considered when needing to catch up in a pairs competition or
possibly, when just experimenting, with looking to suggest to those particular opponents, not to trust you to conform to normal standards when playing against that pair in future competition. IOW, most all intended below par bridge actions, needs to have a specific
positive reason to be felt, instead of being passed over.

Very little to be gained with taking secondary (or, in this case, manufacturing a measuring stick of thirddary or lower, in its description). However, one pays his entry fee, one has a right to choose, but this mentioned choice doesn’t match up, at least to me, with even a wink of luck (meaning % gain) for its use, but only the card god will decide. Not that I haven’t been there, done that, or such!