Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Saturday, 10 August, 2024


Patrick CheuAugust 10th, 2024 at 3:51 pm

Hi Bobby,Not sure many players would go up with the Ace,holding Axx when South leads a low c after JS held. I have to admit I wouldn’t..Can u think why West should? Regards Patrick

bobbywolffAugust 10th, 2024 at 5:41 pm

Hi Patrick,

A good and more importantly, a right-on practicality always to be, more or less, considered.

And one which sometimes separates the sheep from the goats with bridge success. My specific answer has to do with the timing at the table (how long the declarer studies before
calling a card, and whether or not that in his opinion, that study was real or, which happens often, not considered coffee housing, but just part of the game (to which I tend to agree, simply because it seems correct for a declarer to study long, study strong, before a faster play has overlooked a key factor.). However, experience alone should indicate to opponents
when the study was real and thus a somewhat of a tell when it, in practice, is certainly warranted. IOW, I do not think that declarer’s once at trick one they take a while, consider that they are giving much, if anything, away.

Finally, perhaps on this specific hand, when and if declarer takes a while, it is possible to likely that a 1st class declarer, damn them, may take a while before playing their “Prince Albert” of a suit while in a NT contract, letting the winning cat out of the bag” allowing a great defender
to spoil the day for the declarer. IOW it is possible, not a slam dunk, allowing a faster declarer to win the day, making bridge the incredible pass time it really is, not just a normal walk in the park, or perhaps the declarer deserves no credit, just played quickly, but got away with it, since the defender erred by ducking.

If played in Beijing, instead of Paris, one may say, particularly at the now held Olympics, one wong may result in a (r)ight for declarer.
in a defensive right while describing the great play by defender (rising) at trick two.

Patrick CheuAugust 10th, 2024 at 9:13 pm

Hi Bobby,Thanks for your enlightening thoughts and I did enjoy the play in this hand very much.. re diamond play to ‘squeeze’ West and cashing two hearts…your analysis certainly sheds new light as always over the years. Thanks again for making the game so interesting for us. Cheers Patrick 🙂