Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Saturday, 17 August, 2024


Iain ClimieAugust 17th, 2024 at 9:21 am

Hi Bobvy,

I suspect part of Michal’s success is a willingness to bid up. 2N by South might well be Lebensohl with a weak hand asking pard to bid 3C, 3C would be more constructive but 3N saves time. Very lucky lie of the cards in both minors but also very well played.



bobbywolffAugust 19th, 2024 at 2:18 pm

Hi Iain,

It seems strange about Michael Klukowski’s new label as possibly, while under 30 years of age, the world’s best bridge player.

At least to my thinking, while not only avoiding an opinion on said statement, it is as close to impossible to validate such thinking (although certainly a possibility) simply because of the huge number of qualities necessary to validate such a moniker, how can anyone gather near enough information to even be in the ballpark with suggesting such a thing, much less going about proving it.

At least to me, the indeed interesting part of the discussion around it, would, I think,
center around all the qualities needed for even that possibility to exist with anyone, past or present, the proof remaining with the accomplishments necessary to get
started with the inevitable requirement of listing those qualities and then history of
his or her dealing (ha-ha) with them. Not that the moniker of the #1 player is so circumspect, but instead how about the (cutting to the quick) track record against
the best competition should (will) be immediately (or should) lead the way to the very beginning of the huge task of only just attempting to start trying to prove all the points needed to gloss over, before any one person (more or less) can be seen
breaking out of his or her eggshell to be recognized as such.

Perhaps someone (other than yours truly, but I would like to possibly add to the list made out by someone else)) can produce (in some kind of order) the qualities to be discussed, so that a realistic ending can produce at least someone
to be further considered, other than Michal, although I would never refuse to allow him or her (nor anyone else) to deny being considered, much less apply.

Sorry if I have rained on someone else’s parade, but, after all, to be the best ever, at almost every possible competition, needs to be thoroughly processed, not to mention become screened, as well.