Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Sunday, March 15th, 2020


Bill CubleyMarch 29th, 2020 at 3:01 pm

I like the reply to Powehhouse about responding to a strong 2C opener. A lot of bidding space is consumed by any 2 level opening bid. All 2 level response to 2C are forcing, so going slowly rather than jumping is a better method. We try to inform partner of what suits we hold and the hand pattern but doing both is a big problem with a 2C opener.

these non-playing days makes your Sunday column the best bridge in the country!

Bobby WolffMarch 29th, 2020 at 3:59 pm

Hi Bill,

First, I want to condemn your last line compliment, by assuring you that flattery will never work with me, but OTOH, how can it hurt? (thanks).

The key to developing both conventions and treatments is to suggest many variations and then adopting the one which has the least discussion and thus the fewest number of complaints.

Since the above solution of the best way to show the weakest strong two bid, is to bid the maximum suggested, as quickly as possible. which then will likely result in the last word said.

However, we should then never forget, if that sounds logical to most, it then figures to not be near the right solution. But, if the above makes sense to you, then our job is done, and you will likely return more often to our site.

Aside from the above, the most important advantage learned is to pick up the kind of hands described above more often while playing “money” bridge, if for no other reason, than to garner experience with bidding them.

Finally, during these very troubling days, I also miss playing, but not quarantening oneself now, seems more logical than a possible forever isolation later. Happier days to follow!