Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Friday, April 16th, 2021


David SnookApril 30th, 2021 at 5:05 pm


What a tricky layout for S…

It seems the only path forward is as follows…

Trump the 3rd spade high; S is going to need that H7 to get back into dummy… it’s the ONLY way S can get there, and S must get there.

After trumping the 3rd spade, S pulls trump and when that’s done, S leads the H7 to dummy’s 8.

Now comes the tricky part, no?

S cannot afford to lose any diamonds, so the D queen gets led first, and if E dosn’t play the K, S must throw the J on the Q so S can remain in dummy and lead a 2nd D. If E does play the K, S takes w/ the ace and leads the D7 back to dummy and leads a club. S cannot afford to clear diamonds first. S must play a club while still in dummy. If E holds back w/ the club ace, S must gamble and play the king.

If the king holds, S is home free. If E plays the club A on the first club led from dummy, S is also free.

Complicated sequence in there… but I think I’ve got it right?

And that’s what makes bridge so wonderful…

bobbywolffApril 30th, 2021 at 5:56 pm

Hi David,

Yes, you passed with flying colors.

Two worthwhile facts emerge, at least in my not so humble opinion:

1. The only way to muck it up, is to be careless in playing too quickly, or to just be below average with card play techniques. All experiments like this, at least, are somewhat related to one’s mathematical aptitude.

2. To be sure, if a 7 to 10 year old youngster, while, believe it or not, is being taught bridge and he almost automatically, plays that combination correctly, that kid is well on his way to having an excellent chance to be a bridge star. No more, but certainly no less.

Anything less can certainly be overcome, but it will take more time and may involve significantly harder work.

Thanks for relatimg another of your experimental tests.

bobbywolffApril 30th, 2021 at 6:16 pm

Hi again,

Here I go again: With #2 above, I should have added on line 3, “or she” to “he”.