The Aces on Bridge: Saturday, August 7th, 2021
by Bobby Wolff on
August 21st, 2021
Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns |
The Aces on Bridge: Saturday, August 7th, 2021
by Bobby Wolff on
August 21st, 2021
Hi Everyone,
Today, in addition to the theme mentioned above, the words, bidding judgment, competitiveness, style, reputation, card combinations and successful endings all may apply. Let us examine.
The first round+ of bidding by all four players is as standard through South’s 3 club rebid, as can be, keeping in mind that all four are experienced campaigners, while beginning and then playing in what might be considered almost ho-hum.
However, as is often the case, the next (and last) round of bidding, which determined the result, was good for NS, since although West came mightily to the rescue with his overtake heart play and then his surrounding spade ten switch, it still, especially at matchpoints, but in actuality, also quite valuable at all forms of the game, since to do so, indicates a finer knowledge of our beautiful and expert competition.
Nothing left to really say, except to suggest that West might (probably should) have raised hearts since he held four (instead of possibly fewer), declarer’s play is usually easier to achieve maximum than defenders (witness the defensive spade play by that same West), and the somewhat vague possibility of East continuing on with three diamonds in the pass-out position (then preferred back to three hearts by West).
Referring back to the first paragraph, perhaps West was known to not have rigid negative doubles or to be a slight overbidder at times and wanted to be thought differently or random mind sets, depending on other factors, like matchpoints (vulnerability is sometimes crucial in determining competition) while at IMPs or rubber bridge a made doubled partial is often super costly.
Finally, the above is more than sometimes a factor, and for whatever reason, the more worthwhile experience all players get, while participating against equals (or superiors) the better will become their judgment in the immediate.
Becoming timid is just as large a foe, perhaps more so, than aggression, and one hand does not start a trend, but, at least what I think, the player himself or herself, will, if he or she is determined to rise from the shadows and seek a higher level, but in no way will anyone, at any stage, come off unblemished in the pursuit.
Our game simply will not stand for such a thing!
Hi Bobby, There does not seem to be much wastage in the West hand,to not raise to 3H and force our fellow peers to make a judgemental decision to X or pass or bid on…meekness does not win many battles methinks..another interesting hand re play on trick 2 with ten of spades. Regards Patrick
Hi Patrick,
Yes the 10 of spades saves EW.
Not because he is part of the highest ranking suit, but because of his number and, of course proper handling by his handlers, he assumes his rightful place.
Wouldn’t the world be better off to note this phenomena?