Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Saturday, November 13th, 2021


A V Ramana RaoNovember 27th, 2021 at 3:50 pm

Hi Dear Mr Wolff
A delightful hand indeed. The elegant endplay operates against both opponents. However west may discard spades and just retain three hearts and two diamonds in the ending and it is a simple matter to throw him in with heart for additional diamond trick. So , being a doubledummy enthusiast, I just tried to find whether the contract can be defeated at all. Obviously diamond lead would not help but It appears that an initial spade trick might do the job as east cannot be stripsqueezed because defense would be one tempo ahead. But declarer still prevails due to the presence of nine of spades. Say west leads spade. East plays ten, south wins and plays two top diamonds and finds that he has a diamond loser. He leads A of clubs and club back . East inserts nine, south wins Q but now can lead heart to A stripping east of that suit and leads spade from dummy and east hast provide extra trick in one of the black suits. Interestingly, when west leads an initial heart and continues, south prevails even without nine of spades in dummy as east gets squeezed. Quite an interesting hand

bobbywolffNovember 27th, 2021 at 7:56 pm


Sometime in the future, (always pretending if it wins its constant and horrifying war against cheating) I can envision a bridge learning experience, invented by someone, using you, as the game genius who investigates and then discloses the various methods of taking tricks, always dependent on how all 52 cards are distributed.

No doubt there would be a significant market for such a product, since when Auction Bridge was turned into Contract (thanks to Harold Vanderbilt) in about 1927 the whole world, especially Europe and the USA, perked up its interest to fever pitch, with all kinds of positivity, including the ACBL being formed, then later the EBL in Europe preceding the WBF, bridge books galore and of course, the meteoric popularity, at least in America, of Ely Culbertson and his honor tricks, then Charley Goren and his point count (courtesy of Milton Work).

Perhaps bridge could stand another resurgence, especially after this pandemic, and, if so, your enthusiasm and, of course, talent, for the above treasure, almost stands alone.

In any event, positivity, rather than gloomy doubt, might get it done.

Meanwhile we first need a few steps ahead, just to get back to where we were, especially since the discovery of such wide spread cheating, done by would be players, who underneath had neither the heart nor the inclination to not give a mighty blow to the otherwise hopeful future of our sensational game.

And BTW, thanks for the time you take to get it right.