The Aces on Bridge: Tuesday, January 25th, 2022
by Bobby Wolff on
February 8th, 2022
Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns |
The Aces on Bridge: Tuesday, January 25th, 2022
by Bobby Wolff on
February 8th, 2022
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Hi Bobby,
Is this part of the Smith convention, that when declarer plays back immediately the suit led at trick 1, the opening leader shows suit preference?
Hi Mircea,
Not sure what convention today’s hand represents, possibly none which take credit, but, in truth, it conforms to what every advanced player and thus partnership, should respect. A mere form of ‘legally” helping partner, which, while at the table, will be self-evident.
When one is present at the table, playing or kibitzing, or even watching on vu-graph, he or she should immediately realize that partnership is alert to playing responsible and thus good bridge, meaning that defender’s mind is concentrating on that hand and nothing more.
Surely that unlucky declarer and partner need to notice what happened so that they too, can begin, if not already, do likewise. NO RELAXING WHILE DECLARING OR DEFENDING, only as dummy.
Thanks for your interest.
Thanks for your response, Bobby.
Let’s say West would like hearts better than spades, so he would have to play the 4 in that case. How is East supposed to know that partner is signaling suit preference and not the normal count?
Hi Mircea,
First, since partner has your best interest at heart, he should play his lowest one, if he desired hearts rather than spades.
As you gain more experience you will soon realize that the number of diamonds (after the lead and play to the first trick) is of no importance as against directing to him what to lead (and sometimes what to discard later).
IOW, since both defenders need to act like a firm partnership, give partner the information he needs, not otherwise worthless, such as what West’s diamond holding happens to be.
You will learn to distinguish what is important and what is not necessary, as experience is gleaned.
Don’t get disappointed with feeling that it is too much to think about, since anyone half decent with numbers (rather than letters) will learn quicker than one who isn’t.
Your interest alone is positive evidence that you want to get better as fast as you can.
Good luck and sit back while enjoying your assent into the higher regions of our great