Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Friday, July 29th, 2022


bobbywolffAugust 12th, 2022 at 1:28 pm

Hi Everyone,

All I can say is what every dog family learns, if he didn’t already know. It sometimes gets rough or perhaps “ruff” out there”, for both baby wolves and, of course, bridge players, especially when playing a very delicate slam.

Michael BeyroutiAugust 12th, 2022 at 8:33 pm

BWTA made me smile today with “…especially with the increasing popularity of strong one-level openers.”

bobbywolffAugust 13th, 2022 at 1:28 am

Hi Michael,

When writing a bridge column, the over riding emphasis is the specific lesson to be learned, with only a passing fancy to the habits of our current best players.

Therefore, when only opening at the one level, while holding only three or four losers, the idea is usually the play, but even when bidding is discussed. it merely reflects a high level
preference for whatever bid is chosen. Nothing iron clad, but also not worth getting too deeply involved in why. IOW, “The plays the thing in which we will learn the conscience of the King” or at least something similar.

BTW, I do agree with you about the absurdity of not opening a game force when holding the type hand you suggest. Finally I tend to applaud the recent changes in the bidding, which seems to create a specific meaning for hither to former bids, which, in fact, were hardly ever used and thus went to waste.