Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Thursday, September 29th, 2022


Iain ClimieOctober 13th, 2022 at 10:45 am

Hi Bobby,

West should ask himself what East could have in trumps here. If it is (improbably) CQx, the contract is off anyway while if CJx South has to lead the CQ and hope on the second round as he can’t manage 1 loser if the opposing trumps are Ax / Axx opposite Jxxx / Jxx. The club Ace is hardly running away, though, so can it really cost to duck? Someone will probably concoct a hand now where it does of course!



Bobby WolffOctober 13th, 2022 at 1:27 pm

Hi Iain,

No doubt North showed spectacular imagination when he opted for a club slam rather than showing a tacit move toward hearts, after his partner’s 4 diamond cue bid, at least somewhat agreeing hearts.

Then, I certainly agree with you about West not prematurely winning the ace of clubs, but all in all an exciting hand, especially so since 6 hearts, the more likely contract, where Jim2 will no doubt rest, will sadly fail, but the only positive for him will be the knowledge that the heart finesse will not work even before he tests them.

Iain ClimieOctober 13th, 2022 at 1:47 pm

Hi Bobby,

Unless of course Jim2 in 6H desperately tries to drop the HK offside knowing it is likely to be there – in that case West will have Kx(x)



jim2October 13th, 2022 at 2:28 pm


My partners seldom bid a small slam with an ace missing. They have long ago learned that SOMEthing will always go amiss to cost an unexpected trick.

As for grand slams, they only bid those if they can count 15 tricks.

Bobby WolffOctober 13th, 2022 at 2:53 pm

Hi Jim2,

Amen, but as for taking15 tricks while in grand slams, that claim usually pre-seeds them claiming that, but only after the opponents have taken an early one.

Those same partners and, for that matter teammates, will also claim bad breaks defeated them when holding A10xx opposite Kxxx but needing the opponents QJ to be doubleton.

Bob Hamman said it best by merely claiming that a good slam is anyone which makes.