The Aces on Bridge: Monday April 3rd, 2023
by Bobby Wolff on
April 17th, 2023
Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns |
The Aces on Bridge: Monday April 3rd, 2023
by Bobby Wolff on
April 17th, 2023
Hi Bobby,
William Gladstone (see quote) and Benjamin Disraeli were political rivals in 19th century Britain. Disraeli weas once asked the difference between a misfortune and a calamity. He said “If Mr. Gladstone were to fall in a river, that would be a misfortune; if someone were to resuce him, that would be a calamity.” Somewhere the quality of political wit and put-downs has become less subtle and amusing.
Hi Dear Mr Wolff
Once west shows up with spade Q and heart J, diamond K is fairly marked with east for his opening bid. So perhaps after stripping clubs, south should lead diamond from hand playing nine from dummy instead of leading nine from dummy and running it
Sorry, running diamond nine takes care of K in either hand. Silly of me
Hi Iain,
Perhaps if Mr. Gladstone had fallen in a river, that would only become a percentage play, but then learning that he does not know how to swim, would be a winning finesse, might make it a poem, therein a bridge to subtle success.
You are entitled to your once every year malaprop and besides, if someone plays it that way, he is almost sure to also make it, by finessing the nine, not the queen.