Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Tuesday April 4th, 2023


bobby wolffApril 18th, 2023 at 2:24 pm

Hi Everyone,

In order for today’s hand to first be understood to it’s dangers and then played correctly, two different type talents need to be shown by declarer. First the initial application of seeing the problem, likely only to experienced and hard-nosed players, and then, believe it or not, the relative simpler task of first checking it out and then arriving at the winning answer, IOW to be able to effectively counter the best defense those pesky opponents will or can, offer.

Result, happy, but not without the necessary mental steps available to all but executed by few. And a lesser problem still on the table of the opponents not being up to their testing defense, therein not giving the declarer his ability to gain experience in what to think about and when. Sure, in a post-mortem with discussing the various hands played, this subject could and should be brought up by one of the experienced good players, but, if not, it will slow down the necessary order of thinking, in order to rise in ability to which all of us should try to attain.

A V Ramana RaoApril 18th, 2023 at 4:00 pm

Hi Dear Mr Wolff
But perhaps there could be a twist. Just in case, if west were 7222, he would win trump A, cash club K and lead low spade ( or even eight of spades) which east ruffs and provides club ruff to west. If south were to have a quick entry in diamonds, he would always prevail but unfortunately, club A is the only entry to hand. And if trumps were 2-2, south can afford to lead Heart K at T2 . West can win and lead spades but dummy can ruff third spade high and draw trumps . So perhaps it is a matter of judgement whether to play west for singleton or doubleton trump notwithstanding the clear inference that he holds heart A. The judgement could be right or wrong . And this is where, I feel individual luck plays a role. If a lucky player is south, dame luck smiles on him and the opposite for unlucky player and except cursing one’s luck there is nothing anyone can do about it.

bobby wolffApril 18th, 2023 at 5:07 pm


Brilliantly presented and making you a charter member of the belong club, a private bridge-oriented composite, made up of old-time bridge lovers who were always ready with how to stories, most of which, were directly on point and immediately received everyone else’s notice.

Your attention to detail allows you to be prepared for whatever comes your bridge way. Please keep watching over our site and preventing me especially, for even attempting to shortcut a necessary bridge detail without a decent explanation.

All I can do is acknowledge your presence with respect and with your correctly bringing “bridge luck” into reality, none of us should linger on it, even though we all want greater intelligence, instead of luck, to always be the reason.

Iain ClimieApril 18th, 2023 at 5:47 pm

Hi Bobby, AVRR,

Interesting stuff although 7222 is less likely than 7321. The C to the Ace also works nicely if West has CK alone of course.



bobby wolffApril 18th, 2023 at 6:45 pm

HI Iain,

Has anyone ever accused you of being optimistic?

Iain ClimieApril 18th, 2023 at 10:44 pm

Hi Bobby,

Not professionally (I work in risk assessment) but being appallingly lucky at bridge has happened. Can’t imagine why…


bobby wolffApril 18th, 2023 at 11:10 pm

Hi Iain,

I know, but I’m much too modest to tell you.