Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Sunday, July 9th, 2023


Iain ClimieJuly 9th, 2023 at 4:57 pm

Hi Bobby,

On strong club’s question, what are the drawbacks relative to natural systems and is there any significant difference between 4 and 5 card major systems here?



bobbywolffJuly 9th, 2023 at 11:01 pm

Hi Iain,

Natural systems rule the day, not actually because they are better, but because the publicity surrounding them, probably beginning in the late 1920’s and early 30’s, was positive enough and the players inexperienced enough so that the promotion of natural helped lead the average player in that direction.

Actually as far as winning is concerned, my choice is simply 4 card majors and some varied conventions which lend themselves to helping that partnership, rather than the opposite of helping the defense to a greater degree.

However, the real key answer is “whatever system a partnership chooses” there needs to not be costly forgets or miss interpretations” which always lead to trouble, often in the loss of confidence, accompanying such unnecessary disasters.

The prime advantage of 4 card majors simply lies in the oft times ability, when an immediate fit allows that partnership to get to the right contract faster, before the opponents can, or choose not to, allowing the defense the minimum ability to defend to best advantage
beginning with the opening lead and, of course, sometimes continuing throughout the whole hand. However, the choice of system is a partnership matter TBD by the individual partnership.