Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Thursday, 19 October, 2023


A V Ramana RaoOctober 19th, 2023 at 10:53 am

Hi Dear Mr Wolff
Perhaps an initial club lead too would have been OK for taking the contract down . And west, if at all wanted to lead a trump, he might as well have led J of hearts. Now, if declarer carelessly wins this in dummy, he would go down provided east plays third spade after cashing high diamonds. Correct would be to win in hand and play spades. But now, when west wins, leads diamonds, east cashes both high diamonds and returns spade , from south’s point of view, if he places ten with west, he should ruff high and finesse west but if he feels west led from J x, he should ruff with a lower card. South might just take the wrong call
And probably NS should be playing the hand in four spades which is always cold as declarer simply ducks a spade and prevails irrespective of what defense does

bobbywolffOctober 19th, 2023 at 2:05 pm


As usual, well analyzed but poorly thought out by East, after the 2nd diamond is cashed.

It should then have alerted East for the necessity of switching to clubs since South’s acceptance of North’s invitation to game, likely showed a major honor in spades allowing the killing defense of sooner rather than later dis enabling the dummies value for beaucoup spade
tricks. Just another example of a bridge player (this time East) not being experienced enough (or well-taught) to at least imagine what declarer is holding (by both his bidding and him having nothing of value in the opening led suit).

A true test of where East now stands in his bridge game, but a wonderful opportunity to advance by bounds and leaps to higher-level defensive bridge thinking.

Also, your correct statement of 4 spades being cold (as long as North is careful against the early variable defense) should also be of interest to the aspiring younger player. The more a would be very good player opens his mind to sometimes different difficult turns in the play the quicker his game will continue to improve.

It is only what it would take for NS to arrive in a spade rather than a heart game that will try (and, no doubt frustrate), player’s souls since, in fact even a bridge magician may have trouble with pulling that off, with likely transparent cards, (not even cheaters) the likely only remedy.

Jeff SerandosOctober 19th, 2023 at 5:01 pm

Hi AVRR and Bobby,

When AVRR pointed out the cold 4S contract, I tried to find some path to it. North has already shown himself to be a bit of a bomb-thrower with his 3H bid so maybe he bids 2D fourth-suit forcing instead. South might respond 3D asking partner to bid 3NT with a diamond stopper. North would now be obligated to show his heart support with 3H. Maybe instead of just making the obvious 4H bid, South decides to show his honor-doubleton in spades with 3S. North (if for no other reason than he is a hog – but not THE Hog) bids 4S. Wild, but it was the only way I could get where I wanted to go. :



bobbywolffOctober 19th, 2023 at 7:10 pm

Hi Jeff,

A simpler way to command such a task is merely to make North the dealer, vulnerable against not and have him open 2 spades with partner, slightly overbidding to 4 spades.

The above advantage always goes to bridge writers, without which being one has far less
to recommend being one.

However, I must say that my 41 year history of being one was totally blessed with the sensational group of friends to which all of you have been ever loyal to both me and to each other, to which I will never underestimate what joy it has meant to me and that includes those who have often tuned in, but never left their name.

Now, with that degree of love given, do I ever have to worry about bad vibes from anyone or anywhere?