Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Monday, 6 November, 2023


Iain ClimieNovember 6th, 2023 at 12:55 pm

Hi Bobby,

East can still find a way to stop the contract making (although he can’t beat it) here – he can claim the pack is flawed as the C9 appears twice! Trickier for South if he goes off as long as East doesn’t play the C9 but graciously accepts South is one-off after 2 C winners and a ruff.

Less flippantly, suppose declarer had KJx or similar in clubs when a small club through is the best shot for the defence. Should declarer rise with the KC here on the basis that East would have led the C10 from Q108x(x) as a surround play? If C are 4-3 then there is no danger of a ruff but if they are 2-5 then West needs to have CAx or CA10 for the CK play to be wrong.

I think West should find CK then CQ though – it can hardly cost.



bobbywolffNovember 6th, 2023 at 2:49 pm

Hi Iain,

First sincere apologies for no 10 of clubs and two nines. Our game is tough enough to declare, play and then discuss than to have to bear the difficulty of a faulty layout.

Today’s correct play (in all cases) for East, is to (after winning the spade ace, to lead a low club and then, (regardless of what club partner wins it with and then returns) overtake and lead a third one since bridge logic should insist. However, “yes” I think West should win the first club with the king and lead back the queen, if for no other reason, but to shake partner up and arouse him, just in case he had fallen asleep (exactly like we did in the layout).