Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Tuesday, 7 November, 2023


bobbywolffNovember 7th, 2023 at 2:27 pm

Hi Everyone,

When good players collide, bridge itself smiles, and although sniffles well represent, on average, the eventual results, will normally explain why it is so challenging, and, no doubt,
quite worthwhile.

Jeff SerandosNovember 7th, 2023 at 3:11 pm

Hi Bobby,

That really was rotten luck in a way for West. To not bid 2H here seems unthinkable. And it does not seem likely to hurt his side’s cause in any case. Then his partner turns up with the doubleton KH clearly indicating to South that he (West) has at least two of the three honors outside of hearts. At least it should have.

All’s well that ends well? I have to admit I was rooting a bit for the defense as it would have been a bit rough to see 3NT go down at the other table when West took a (IMO) cowardly pass at his first turn leaving South no clue to the actual layout.

bobbywolffNovember 7th, 2023 at 3:43 pm

Hi Jeff,

While I do not necessarily side against you with the motive for West’s 2 heart intervention over South’s 1 heart initial response, I suspect doubt in the minds of many only occasional
bridge players, in its logical meaning of natural. I would even bet that most readers would
ask their regular partners, how he or she, would prefer playing such an unusual overcall.

No doubt to you or me as to its so-called expert definition, but perhaps different to less frequent partnerships. Anyway I feel I should bring up that subject to assure all readers
we desire solving possible mix-ups before they occur. As to whether I would make the same intervention, yes, probably, but not without some reservation, if for no other reason then on
some hands making declarer a more accurate player with the information then available.

Robert LiptonNovember 7th, 2023 at 4:52 pm

I don’t like West’s 2H (natural) overcall, but it’s certainly not the worst bidding I’ve ever seen. What I don’t understand is why, at this vulnerability, South didn’t simply double. True enough, North will almost certainly pull this to 2S or 3D, but if it’s 2S, South gets to make a very correct 2NT call. Mybe it gets played in the double-dummy 2N, maybe it gets played in 3D, maybe it gets played in 3NT anyway, since everyone at the table is a genius anyway.

Bob Lipton