Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Thursday, 1 August, 2024


Iain ClimieAugust 1st, 2024 at 1:03 pm

Hi Bobby,

If you weaken South’s hand to HKJ9, and he again intends a H to the 9, doesn’t West now have to duck the HA here if the Q and K appear? Could be tricky if West thinks East has HQJ.



bobbywolffAugust 1st, 2024 at 2:38 pm

Hi Iain,

The bidding has suggested that South has a maximum (his decision to open 2 clubs, then 2NT shows a top limit of 23-24 instead of one level lower, therein possibly deciding in favor of the actual holding rather than the lesser one). I realize that many players have trouble
with high evaluations (20+) especially Jim2 who has never been dealt one (at least while playing for coins of that magnitude, so naturally it is folly for him to provide for same).
The good news for him is that lesser opportunity makes for easier memory, but, sadly,
also lesser overall money to be (shall we say, earned).

BTW, he is likely to have never done anything even close to unethical in his whole career, marking his career with a totally unecessary burden, but, with his case, the fact that he just continues to accept whatever + is indicative of his total positive feeling that he thinks he owes all others who play the game. A SPECIAL AND TOTAL GIVING BRIDGE SOUL, HIM!