Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Wednesday, 04 September, 2024


bobbywolffSeptember 4th, 2024 at 1:48 pm

Hi Everyone,

At least to me, this hand represents seemingly one of the more (most) important positive
elements of our ultra great “mind” game, to which so many of us have fallen (and stay the course) into love. To cut to reality, finessing partner, (while 3rd hand and following suit) playing less than one’s highest card, or the equivalent if equals, is a major NO NO, and should almost never be violated, except, of course, and definitely here, since it, in reality, when studied, becomes, in basketball terms, a “slam dunk” and , not to so do, would be, for any or everyone who does not, a MAJOR ERROR.

However, again with reality, the 3rd seat players who do, would, to any and everyone interested, be a bridge hero to last a lifetime, and for him to be as proud as can be, to wear that play like in wartime to, at the very least in the USA to win the SILVER STAR or even perhaps the CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR, at the very least.

Trying not to underestimate the thrill of such a thing, merely because it seems so natural to “throw” out the ace at trick one and then, of course, play back the suit, only to (for very good players) to hide one’s face, when realizing how the chance for such a “beauty” is very rarely available, and to miss one’s chance to so do, would indeed result in a very sad ending.

Iain ClimieSeptember 4th, 2024 at 2:06 pm

HI Bobby,

The SJ has to come out in temp too of course. It is a much easier position if East has SAQx, at least with all those defensive assets.

I take it normality has been restored?



bobbywolffSeptember 4th, 2024 at 2:22 pm

Hi again,

Yes, I fully realize that it is probably my duty, or sort of, to get involved with discussing ethics
pertaining to what this hand may represent, as long as my discussion would be realistic as
to its nature. OK, I will!.

Normally (in the high 95+% of the time) there is none to little problem for the 3rd seat player to choose the usual right card involved in this often held general situation, while not considering this exact situation, with the same exact bidding and third seat holding of the led suit, by this player.

Sure, in order to even consider the right play, would take, even the Albert Einstein of bridge, at least a few moments of thought to size it all up, before playing.

And yes, the third seat player is allowed to think before playing, even if it appears to be not necessary and may be regarded as miss leading. But, if so, all of us can then realize that, specifically this time, its certainly an exception. Therefore bridge ethics committees need to be fortified by the better players around, rather than ones who are either not so ruled, as such, by non political players who wish the very best, for our scintillating game.

Strong letter will NOT follow.