Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Monday, 16 September, 2024


Steve ConradSeptember 16th, 2024 at 12:28 pm

Hi Bobby,

I run a daily (FREE) class on BBO (and zoom). I have about 90 students each day. Since it is a daily class, I usually do themes for extended periods. A few months ago, I began to present them with a selection of your “Bid with the Aces” or “Lead with the Aces” part of your columns. They write their bid in the chat or the suit and rank of their lead. Numerous students have written in the chat that they enjoyed discussing Booby Wolff’s thoughts and that Bobby Wolff always had something insightful to say.

So when is the book coming out? It’s got to be easy to assemble, and it’s a great format. Don’t create ful deals — that will distract from the excellence of the questions.

Steve Conrad

Steve ConradSeptember 16th, 2024 at 12:31 pm

Sorry for the misspelling Bobby. Is there a way for me to edit my comment and correct the misspelling? Anyway, I owe you an OOPS.

bobbywolffSeptember 16th, 2024 at 1:58 pm

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your insightful post and for learning how valuable you are, obviously becoming, if not already, and definitely your most positive attitude toward our
under ratted, as well as magnificent, great game.

Yes, the book idea is an excellent thought, but since I am less than a month away of reaching my 92nd, yes, my body, darn it, is beginning to show signs of overuse,
I need someone, industrious like you, to take over most all of the difficult work involved. However, if you are willing, I’ll just be satisfied with a 25% interest in our profit, and answer as well as guide you, if necessary, as to any questions which
loom and, of course, allow you 100% use of my past total ramblings, 45 years of syndicated writing, giving it up, at the end of this year to Barry Rigal, a wonderful New Yorker, originally from London, and more than deserving, as we have worked together for at least the last 20+ years with never a cross word exchanged.

Barry also will take over my column at the end of this year and, knowing him, will help, if needed, since his experience, work effort and sensational outside help, if necessary, should be invaluable.

Much thanks for your gracious comments and, whatever the result, good luck to
you, for your selfless work up to now, since our game of bridge offers so much to so many people, we need to do everything possible to keep it going and people
like you, are invaluable to do so.

like you are its life’s blood.

In any event, thanks much for your not and secretly your miss spelling of my nale could be more truth

bobbywolffSeptember 16th, 2024 at 2:04 pm

Hi again Steve,

And speaking of apologies, here is mine, and clearly indicative of why I am stepping
down a notch or two, instead of the three or four I probably should.

Iain ClimieSeptember 16th, 2024 at 4:03 pm

Hi Bobby,

I remember Barry when he was in the UK (so I probably last saw him to speak to around 1983, but he chips in regularly on Bridge Winners and is very eloquent and educational in his writing. I’ll be very sorry to see you step down but he is a good choice to take over.



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