The Aces on Bridge: Saturday, 4 January, 2025
by Bobby Wolff on
January 4th, 2025
Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns |
The Aces on Bridge: Saturday, 4 January, 2025
by Bobby Wolff on
January 4th, 2025
Hi Dear Mr Wolff/ Barry
It would be elegant if south strips east of clubs as described but perhaps defense can always prevail in this hand if only west continued with spades after spade A. Best for declarer would be to ruff in dummy and play three rounds of diamonds. East wins and plays spade. South can win and leads heart but west wins. If he leads a club , declarer sails home as he can cash heart winner , his diamonds go away on top clubs and another club coups east’s trumps . So west leads another spade violating not to present ruff and discard rule. South is doomed wherever he takes the ruff as east scores a trump. If south leads only two rounds of diamonds and leads heart, west wins and leads spade. If dummy ruffs, cashes heart and leads clubs, east ruffs. South can overruff and draw trumps but east scores two more tricks. And if south wins spade continuation at T2 and takes spade pitch on second club and leads heart, west wins and continues spades and again south has no play. I know that the post has become long but since the hand offered intriguing possibilities, I thought that I should mention the analysis.
HI Bobby,
On BWTA, imagine you are (say) 4-1-5-3 on that sequence. Any case for bidding 2C here as partner will only have 3 hearts unless they’ve taken a view? I suppose there is the danger that partner puts you back to 2D and the oppo balance after you pass though.
Happy New Year and I think you’re spot on – just keep bashing out spades for the defence to prevail, violating the usual avoidance of a ruff and discard. Never use never and all that!
Hi lain
Wishing you and your family “A Very Happy New Year”