Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Sunday, March 19th, 2023


Iain Martin ClimieApril 2nd, 2023 at 8:06 pm

Hi Bobby,

On legal eagle’s query I hope I haven’t induced such mannerisms in my opponents over the years, despite my aggressive younger self. Could there be players out there who have a nervous twitch as a result?

Less flippantly, could you give a couple of examples which are close to the line (one either side if possible) as examples? Hesitating with nothing of value when an honour is led or even with a singleton are obvious clear examples of unacceptable cases. I think we can also regard a certain coughing case involving two doctors I believe (see also the UK’s Who Wants to be a Millionaire TV quiz scandal) and foot tapping incident as clearly out of order.



bobby wolffApril 2nd, 2023 at 9:07 pm

Hi Iain,

While defending with a total Yarborough, it would be unethical when, at any time, it does not make any difference whichever deuce one may play, but to huddle unnecessarily before playing one of them would be an obvious intent to deceive. Of course, that player does not have to play quickly, but only to play each card in an acceptable tempo.

While it is difficult to discuss exact time, but being at the table itself and recognizing the normal tempo, most all players will agree when that player is trying hard to deceive. However, one does not have to jump through small spaces in order to be OK, just not basically a crook (to which some fall guilty),

Yes the coughing case and others of that sort have been too common to pass off lightly.