Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Tuesday, 20 August, 2024


jim2August 20th, 2024 at 11:41 am

This was another Slush Cup hand from something like a decade ago.

I held the South hand and there was no way I was going to bid 1NT over 1D, so I passed. West scraped up a 1H response, North Passed, and East raised to 2H.

Once again, I passed and so did West. Partner guessed West’s weakness meant I had HCPs and likely a black suit fit, so he chipped in a sporting TO double.

I knew daggone well I was never making 8, let alone 9, tricks in anything so I gritted my teeth and passed (as I so often do).

Pard happily trotted out the AS, I played the deuce, and it was now top or bottom time.

Pard cogitated while I sweated, but he eventually led a club and all was well.

bobbywolffAugust 20th, 2024 at 4:25 pm

Hi Jim 2 1/2,

I likely missspelled your name and added an extra s to compensate for your succession of passes with your subject hand. You likely have not overcalled yet in 2024 since no doubt you wanted to be the one to eventually break your own record of never entering the bidding
during the last session of bridge you played.

Nothing special, just cowardice, but likely a good idea since you also hold the record for the number of times you have had one of your aces trumped with every time being the setting trick, except once when some offbeat opponent had indeed ruffed your king, after first consulting his own discarding pile, to remember he earlier had the ace.

Oh yes, it is very clever of you to finally recognize that fewer tricks are usually necessary to attain a plus score (sacred to you). when defending than declaring where, while attending elementary school, thirteen was the largest number you had to deal with, and, no doubt since that number is considered unlucky by many, you will blow them out when you admit to any number will do for you to be void (an always proper word to use while discussing everyone else’s favorite game).

Finally, congratulations on your parody at the bridge table since you may be the only player alive who has lived up to his own expectations of how good he thought he is.