Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Thursday, December 10th, 2020


David WarheitDecember 24th, 2020 at 9:14 am

As N, I would have bid 6D rather than 6NT. If E leads a S, it’s all over. If he leads anything else, I draw trump, finesse a H (losing, of course), then play HA and ruff a H. Since N knows his side has an 8-card fit in D and may have only 31 HCP collecrively, surely this contract will have better chances than 6NT.

Iain ClimieDecember 24th, 2020 at 1:34 pm

Hi David,

Early and spot on as usual! Even if the heart J didn’t fall, there are still residual squeeze chances especially if East has H length.

All the best for the festive season,


A V Ramana RaoDecember 24th, 2020 at 2:24 pm

Hi Dear Mr Wolff
A Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year.
Happy to see the normal column again and coming to column, perhaps after West discards three clubs on diamonds while east virtually indicates club K, dummy can cash club A ( just in case whether West holding K was triple squeezed) and when West discards, three rounds of spades ending on table. If both E and W follow, south can claim. If east has length in spades, south finesses ten of hearts and claims on west’s return. As such, West has spade length and he is thrown in with spade for twelve tricks

A V Ramana RaoDecember 24th, 2020 at 2:35 pm

Sorry, south already discarded a spade on diamonds. So the above is not in order but south can cash two spades in hand after diamonds and reach dummy with club A and when West discards, dummy can cash high spade from dummy discarding club from hand for landing the contract as west can be endplayed in spades or hearts depending on the spade break

bobbywolffDecember 24th, 2020 at 3:04 pm

Hi David,

The positive news resulting from your advice is that you will have reached the better contract, 6 diamonds rather than 6NT and more importantly for the right reason (6-4-2-1 distributions opposite balanced hands usually play better in a suit). However, the bad news is if South has decided to rebid 2NT with a very good long club suit 6, but missing the ace, together with a singleton diamond (not the king or perhaps also not the jack) with a 6-3-1-3 together we may have created a disaster.

Although the above is only possible (but not likely) and because of that, you certainly are correct in your assessment except for one not negligible other reason.

How could we have presented this hand as a challenge, while playing a diamond slam and/or, of course, fall back on playing matchpoints rather than rubber or IMPs?

Only kidding as usual, but happy holidays and stay safe. Our site needs your wise guidance and, no doubt, you help it thrive.

ADAVIKOLANU VENKATA RAMANA RAODecember 24th, 2020 at 3:08 pm

“A Merrry Christmas and Happy New Year ” to Judy too and all friends on this site . Sorry for missing earlier

bobbywolffDecember 24th, 2020 at 3:24 pm


If there was such a distinction in high-level bridge yore, of not having to guess at the death whether a defender has discarded down to a singleton key card (not an ace) then perhaps this hand may not belong.

However we have all played hands where we had to guess the ending, rather than to have the evidence officially proclaim it.

Aces and cinches are the goal, not correct guesses, particularly when the challenging opponents are class players, giving as little away with psychology as is possible.

That distinction is one of the best, and IMO
likely the featured attraction when strength plays against strength.

Always thanks for all your difficult and constant work toward the correct description about the choices usually ever present with a competitive hand between two good partnerships.

And as Iain might say: “Ay that’s the rub”,

To all involved, especially the extra loyal group (through thick and thin), MUCH love through these still dangerous times and above all, stay SAFE!