Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Sunday, April 4th, 2021


bobbywolffApril 18th, 2021 at 2:03 pm

Hi Everyone,

Judy & I have no idea what is going on and have not even heard back from our source, who has always been responsible for enabling our hand to be presented.

We, of course, are embarrassed for this significant inconvenience to all of our consistent and wonderful contributors for allowing this to happen and will continue to do everything possible in an attempt to rectify.

In the past and again now, this type of sloth seems to usually happen on weekends, whatever that may mean, but again please accept our heartfelt apologies.

If anything, we miss you, even more than you might miss us.

Iain ClimieApril 18th, 2021 at 3:06 pm

Hi Bobby,

Thanks and fingers crossed, things will be back to normal soon.


Steve ConradApril 18th, 2021 at 4:46 pm


I just saw a publication from Australia in which Robson described how you knew that you could make the (doubled) contract by finessing but you went up with the ace because you were assured a good match point score. That article, it seems, was a reprint from an EBU publication. Do you have the item? If not, let me know (here) and I can email it to you.

Iain ClimieApril 18th, 2021 at 7:29 pm

Hi Steve,

Interesting and thanks but I think I’ve still got the original write up which Andy Robson used as the basis for an article in the London Times some years ago. The point of the hand was that I was playing pairs (I certainly wouldn’t have done it at teams) and knew that if the oppo could make 4S which they’d bid (as had most) then going one off was a good score regardless but if I finessed and it lost I’d lose 200 when the room would all be in 4S-1 as we’d have 4 defensive tricks. Silly game pairs at times, as Bobby regularly points out.

If you don’t mind, I wouldn’t mind seeing if the Australian version was the same though. I’m on [email protected] you want to E-Mail it. my wife will tell you I just like seeing my (rather unusual) name in print – she may have a point. I first met Andy in 1983 when he was quite inexperienced but he has really trained on as they say in horse racing; Bobby also rates his ethical approach very highly. I on the other hand took 25 years out of the game.

many thanks,


Iain Martin ClimieApril 18th, 2021 at 7:30 pm

sorry, space before the if after the email address!