Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Friday, October 8th, 2021


jim2October 22nd, 2021 at 6:34 pm

The Mud Cup tourney sponsors last year had done well, and so champagne flowed during the celebrations held between the the afternoon and evening sessions.

Perhaps that was the reason that so many Easts chose to bid not one heart but four (!!) at their first turn.

Even sober Souths would have been unlikely not to call four spades, but any who might have been so inclined had also enjoyed a solid tipple or three.

Like most other players, I suspect many Wests had liberated a last glass, so their only delay to double came from their bubbly-reduced dexterity.

Most Norths looked at their meager holdings, shrugged, and passed, then sipped some of their own stash. They had promised nothing, and would at least be contributing that and more.

Wests almost unanimously started with the AH. Most blinked in puzzlement, perhaps first wondering what deck North’s hearts had come from, and then blinked again when South followed suit. Crinkling their brows in alcohol retarded concentration, they eventually worked out that their partners had followed with the lowest heart possible, though some did consult their own holding twice to be sure. They then led a small club.

East played the ace and all players then stared at the KC South added to the blaze. The Wests may have taken another sip or two, but sending back the 9C was an easy play.

So it goes at the Mud Cup

Iain ClimieOctober 22nd, 2021 at 6:39 pm

HI Bobby, Jim2,

I was going to ask if East’s 1H was really enough but I think the above shows the mayhem that might happen. In less flippant mode, 1H really doesn’t seem enough on the East hand so any thoughts? 2H or 1N spring to mind.



Mircea GiurgeuOctober 22nd, 2021 at 7:46 pm

Hi all,

Not having jumped on the first round of the bidding, as Iain and Jim2 suggested, is there a case for East to go to 5H?