Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Friday, September 23rd, 2022


A V Ramana RaoOctober 7th, 2022 at 1:36 pm

Hi Dear Mr Wolff
Perhaps this hand is delicate tightrope and declarer has to decide between dummy reversal or playing on clubs. Clubs indeed offer an excellent chance they may break or J might appear however not today. While the dummy reversal succeeds, it might go down if west were 3235 ( or even east) instead of actual 2245. The line to draw between decisions is rather thin. Your opinion please

A V Ramana RaoOctober 7th, 2022 at 2:06 pm

Sorry, I should have added: if west were 3235, partial elimination would work and if east has long clubs, declarer can find and utilise the heart entry for bringing home the contract. Again, a matter of judgment whether to go for dummy reversal, play on clubs not to mention of diamond finesse. The decision could easily go either way and could result in huge swin in team match

Bobby WolffOctober 7th, 2022 at 3:22 pm


Yes, and as usual you, at least as far as I can see, have pinpointed the main issue, “dummy reversal” or be reasonably lucky in clubs, but first thrust the queen of diamonds on the table, mentally coaxing LHO to cover, but if not, and, of course, in any event rising with the ace.

If I were asked for what clues to look for and how to go about it, I would reply: Yes, West may have 4 small trump, but very unlikely the opposite of possessing a singleton, since leading it, could destroy J10xx in partner’s hand, thus changing the odds to smaller against the 4-1 split.

With that in mind I, like the more than multiple TV political adds, do approve the dummy reversal over the ability of always taking four club tricks. It’s close and no one is likely to exactly quote the odds, since there are too many extraneous factors involved, (at least from a practical standpoint) with a categorically claim of exact pro or con numbers.