Aces on Bridge — Daily Columns

The Aces on Bridge: Thursday, 21 September, 2023


bobbywolffSeptember 21st, 2023 at 2:32 pm

Hi Everyone,

Although the careful declarer handling of today’s AOB hand is an important feature of becoming an elite player, it is only one of the special attributes necessary to fully advance
to the level to which Steve Garner and others have flown.

Working out a compatible, but high level bidding system, with no stone, nor inconsistency, left unknown to the special partnership being formed, is perhaps the more to most
important. Add to that, the ability to always be on the same level as any or all opponents to be confronted on the way to bridge Nirvana belongs on the necessary stage. Not to necessarily win every mind battle (impossible against more or less equals). But still worth understanding (especially opponents often confronted toward the end of normal KO matches
where one’s judgment will continue to get better when the experience gleaned, will serve you well in the not so distant future.

Add to that the importance of treating partner the way one would like to be so treated. There are of course other traits, not really need to be mentioned, like mentally being comfortable and ready to play, catering to your then partner, favorite or not, in avoiding
the actions he prefers, even though deep down, you think it wrong (often strategy about aggressive or not so, attempted brilliant opening leads, instead of more down the middle) and even conversation during the play with those difficult and talented opponents.

And to each partnership there are others which become indigenous to that individual union,
not necessarily applicable to others, but rather to only one.

Good luck, and do not forget the ability to lose gracefully simply because the law of averages is alive and well (as it has always been) and the thing we call luck will and no doubt be shared, but, in doing so, there is no such thing as it not, over the long run, not balancing out.

bobbywolffSeptember 21st, 2023 at 2:47 pm

ALERT! I forgot to mention Jim2 and his TOCM (theory of card migration to unknown readers). To offset his unbelievable trials and tribulations experience is only one of a kind, never before, nor since experienced by anyone else, but likely is waiting for bridge players who have sinned enough to be waiting at the devil’s door down below.

At least for him he has been there, done that, with aplomb and still lives on in the hearts and minds of all us others, making the intense physical feelings for him possibly enough to make up for that down side.

Still, I have yet to hear anyone call him LUCKY!

jim2September 21st, 2023 at 4:24 pm

I have been called “Lucky” many times, but always by those who see me with my wife. 🙂